
The most compact, versatile and adaptable access control solution for supermarket car parks.

Meypar is a national leader in the distribution sector with a competitive access control solution, designed to meet the needs of supermarket chains and other establishments for the operation of their car parks, present at car parks owned by the main companies in the sector.

The most compact access control

With minimal infrastructure, Meypar's solutions facilitates access control to exclusive parking for supermarket customers and employees. The compact, easy-to-install entry and exit terminals are equipped with roll printers and QR barcode scanners respectively, to facilitate this control. Optionally, RFID card readers can be integrated to control access to workers at the establishment. Meypar also offers web-based solutions for the centralised management of these parking pass holder cards.

A simple solution with advanced features

The architecture of this solution can integrate license plate reading cameras in the entry and exit lanes, allowing ticketless operations to be used to eliminate the need to present the validated ticket at the exit control, in the case of one-off users, or to eliminate proximity cards, in the case of parking pass holders.

In addition to the information provided to the user via the 3.5" TFT display, the issuer and reader terminals can integrate a digital intercom for user assistance. A single terminal can manage multiple barriers, depending on the configuration required in the entry and exit lanes, as well as managing free/full signs or incorporating long-range TAG antennas as a means of parking pass holder identification.

Flexible and adaptable validation solutions

The solution for this type of car park includes the integration of the access control system with the establishment's pay station lines for ticket validation. As an alternative to this integration, Meypar offers a solution for unmanned validation with the installation of a scanner integrated into the system to perform this function. This device allows the actual user to validate their ticket by using a previously defined discount.

For operations where the availability of payment equipment is required in addition to these validation solutions, the solution allows the integration of automatic pay stations.

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